The flush would not work because my electrolytes are very messed up and I could not handle taking doses of
Epsom Salts which would cause me diarrhea .I cannot really digest that much oil. Too much fats and oils leave me with bad nausea, and I cannot have fruit on my candida protocol. I can not really even handle lemon, it causes my candida to react. I am extremely magnesium deficient , and this is where most of my symptoms come from and is most likely the reason why I cannot metabolize
Sugar from fruit. I have been battling this for almost a year now. I go thru periods where my magnesium levels are building up and I am feeling good, followed by my body releasing it in the form of diarrhea that is hard to stop once is starts up. This causes me to loose all my magnesium and I must start over again. I cannot even allow myself to sweat without having symptoms due to the mineral loss. So , my mineral balance is very delicate and is the source of most of my symptoms.
Also, I do not really want to flush to get rid of cholesterol. Cholesterol is needed by the body and mine is extremely low. I am not sure if this is because my liver is supressed , or due to adrenal failure. But many hormones manufactured by the adrenals need cholesterol as a precursor and I have very little. Some of these hormones such as Aldosterone directly control the salt water balance in the body as well as minerals. This is the area where that I struggle with and really is the main reason for my symptoms at this point.
Being as sick as I have been , I am very cautious about what I choose to do. I must really tread lightly here. Because it seems as though if I make a mistake and cause more mineral loss, I will be struggling for months trying to get back on track.
So while I would like to cleanse my liver to help it deal with toxins, purging might be a bit harsh for me at this time.