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2nd flush results and not impressed
Laura Views: 2,106
Published: 23 y

2nd flush results and not impressed

So I did my second flush last night. I made some changes, chiefly using ES instead of MC, though I have not taken the third dose and am not sure if I will because it turns out I have to work today. (maybe I can manage a half dose) And I used organic grape juice with the ES because it was all I had in the house.

About an hour after the first dose of ES, I had to GO and I did, every hour after that, all night long. It felt like I was pretty cleaned out by the time I took the oil/gf mixture. I used a colander and around 3:30 am, I began passing green sludge which when rinsed out of the colander produced exactly the same results as my last flush. Small bits of what looked like acquarium gravel sized fecal matter with a few emerald green waxy bits. Very few, less than the first flush. There was no chaff, I used the flashlight, nothing sparkled a la Dr. Clarks description. Nothing that I would call a stone. There was one largish piece of reddish mucus.

During one of the night time movements, I felt some pain in my right side, sort of pulsing and moving lower, it felt like maybe a large stone was moving and I was encouraged. But never saw it.

The first movement after the Epsom Salts did produce some grape sized/shaped pieces of what looked like mucoid placque.

So, what is the record for unsuccessful first flushes in a row? I am only a little dissappointed, and will keep flushing because I know that it is necessary.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Maybe another round of colon cleansing? I have done a lot of parasite cleansing and have not seen any parasites. The closest I have seen is something that looks a lot like a clear cucumber seed. It has a short tail, is the size and shape of a cucumber seed and is mostly transparent. I have seen these during both flushes. And it has been a couple of days since I ate cucumbers this time. Could this be a parasite and could it be what is complicating the flushes. HMM...

Well, at least there was no diarrheal pyrotechnics this time.

My mouth has felt like it was sticky and coated and has had a nasty taste in it pretty much all night, could this be from the ES or is it toxins?

Thanks for being there!!! If I have any more results, I'll post.



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