thank you, ajc, good point. i am hoping that the headaches and pressure are from the adrenals and not something else, you know. i did start taking omega 3 maybe a couple of weeks ago, from fish oil, twice daily. it might be the cause because i wasn't able to absorb fats properly back in february and march. i can't really see a difference as of now, but i know that my brain function has been steadily improving, or at least that's what i would like to think.
hope the mri scan will come out clear...
do you know how reliable the sanesco lab tests are? it's a saliva test 4 times during the day.
i am also having a regular AM blood test for cortisol even as i am taking the isocort to see what the levels are.
what do you think about Isocort? is it a good product, is it enough of a substitute for the hormone?