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Re: oregano in the shakes?
remi96 Views: 2,470
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 763,789

Re: oregano in the shakes?

Possibly oregano oil does not agree with you. Or maybe you took too much. Too much of a good thing does not make more a good thing but sometimes a bad thing.

According to what I read oregano oil is a volatile oil that is somewhat toxic in large doses. Not sure what amounts to a large dose. But a reaction like what you had is not positive.

From what I have stumbled upon, oregano oil need not go in the shake necessarily since it crosses the intestinal barrier and works throughtout the system, according to what I have read anyway.

Many preparations of oregano oil come in liquid drops that are meant to go under the tongue for absorbtion and not be swallowed.

I use gelcaps. But I belch up oregano oil and my stomach is slightly bothered with heartburn etc when I use it. So I use it every few days instead of everyday. I alternate with GSE.

It is okay to wait for liquid CA. NOT an emergency. You might be anxious to get started but much good can come from bowel cleansing alone. Then take the oregano oil seperate or try a much lower does in the shake and take the remaining amount 12 hours later under the tongue.

With candida, we all need to be a little creative. Not everything will work for everyone. Just adjust things to fit what your body can tolerate.

IN the meatime, Bowel Cleanse anyway, eat raw garlic, drink plenty of water. If you have caprylic acid in capsule form , open one, mix with a little olive oil and add to the shake. It will still work, not quite as effective.

I got my liquid CA form innovite on It is not cheap but does last a while ...months. And it is well worth it.


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