I have had problems with liver flukes in the past. It stems from my love of raw tuna and sushi. My research indicates that the liver flukes live in the bile ducts and you can get 25,000 flukes from ONE piece of contaminated fish. It was enough for me to give up sushi and eating raw tuna~~!
I have had much luck with zapping, using my terminator over my liver region. I did 3 Liver Flushes before doing my first long MC. It may not be necessary to do that many however, since you will want to do another after the Master Cleanse. I did a parasite cleanse for a month recently but plan on doing another one in a couple of months. In between, I am taking Olive Leaf and Oregano Oil since I am determined to get those suckers out of me~! The flukes I had were the ones which resembled the little pieces of tomato skin.