Re: Candida in the HOUSE!!!
Keep with the oregano oil, 5-10 drops in water twice daily; you may want to add to it 100-200 mg olive leaf extract. 1 tsp unpasturized ACV in water daily, 10 mg beta glucan twice daily, 4-6 capsules probiotics daily, a really good multi-mineral-vitamin. Eliminate grains during the fungi infestation. Concentrate on green, leafy veggies and other colorful vegetation (reds, orange, yellow). Some say watch or eliminate the fruit you consume because of the
Sugar concentration in some fruit is sufficient significantly to feed the fungi. A lot of times your body craving fruit is actually the candida saying, "Feed me."
Read Dr. Richard Becker's book, Foundations for Healing; there is a chapter, Fungi Yeast and Candida. Also, check out the book Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin - great suggestions in it re defeating fungi. The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough by William G. Crook; as you know, he is the original doctor who warned us.
Also, check out the oil pulling forum. You may be surprised and helped.