About 2 weeks ago I diagnosed myself with candida by some of the millions of symptoms the yeast overgroth can cause. Then the other day I recieved the free book from the Candida wellness center and filled out the questionare and my score came up as severe. I have taken Antibiotics but that was about 10 years ago and it was for acne.
So from some of my initial research I started taken Oregano oil (Oreganol brand.) A couple of days later I started taken primal defense ultra and within a day i started getting a small headache. It was a little lame and annoying because it was minor but there. About a day later I developed a cough and was coughing up a lot of mucus and my throat became soar. This has lasted for about 1 week. Now my body is itching all over more than usual, I space out more than usual, i forget more than usual. So i'm guesing this is die off. About 2 days ago I started taken Syclovir and Colloidal Silver . I've been on the raw diet for 2 years and love to eat fruit. I stopped mixing/eating high Sugar foods with high fatty foods because apparently that doesn't help.
Am I on the right track to getting rid of this stupid yeast? What other measures can I take?