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Re: (warning,private)Why cant I be happy about this move? wtf
boldyloxx Views: 1,646
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 760,208

Re: (warning,private)Why cant I be happy about this move? wtf

Kevin, Assuming you're not putting us all on , I'll give you the benefit of the doubt--

too much friction on your private parts is going to really aggravate the skin there. Short of keeping your penis moistuirized with some plant oils, the root of the problem starts from something inside of your soul. You have to work on WHY you have a need to spank the monkey so much.

Eating too much meat can also fire your testosterone levels up way too much too- so you may want to cut back on meat and eat more vegetarian foods to see if your hormones can level off.

Also- you may have a void in your life-- and you naturally gravitate to self-gratification because your'e soul is trying to fill an emotional void-- but the problem is, that you've become addicted and are like a dog chasing your tail. The soul can't find inner peace like that- but it tries in vain.

p 0 r n is something probably EVERYONE should stay the heck away from because it us all about LUST and "give me" and nothing at all about LOVE and "I want to show you I love you".

There are different levels of sex- The most lowest levels are when two people use each other like river rats . Then the higher level is purely unselfish and innocent. You wont see the highest level of sex in p 0 r n flicks.

Try to strive for the highest standard in your life- and leave the mud behind you.
Eliminate all the things in your life that are p 0 r n related- -and replace these activities with things that will help you feel good in non -sexual ways.

As for constipation-- I reccomend prunes and castor oil at night-- and a meal of raw redbeets cut up with onions -- and sprinkle on olive oil and applecider vinegar.

That will clean ya out!!

Start reading spiritual literature that draws your attention .



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