Re: FOUR ISRAELIS DIE AFTER FLU SHOTS News Briefs for 10/20/06 - 10/23/06
I am with you -- A neighbor's wife we knew became paralized right after getting a flu shot. She spent her remaining days in a wheelchair because of it.
Alot of what is to blame with these shots is the Thimerasol preservative added-which contains mercury. They are literally pumping mercury right into your bloodstream!
With most of the non-elderly, it will create annoying health problems, but with the elderly- it may be enough to push them over the edge and kill or disable them.
With children, it is very apparant in various studies that it is responsible for Autism and ADD.
I always got a flu after every flu shot I ever received, so I stopped wasting my money because the shot proved worthless for my body.
In the future- expect the FDA/FTC, and the Drug companies to eventually prevent access to any natural herb or supplement that can fight the flu germ- so that they can force everyone to get flu shots instead.