New edit of Blasto message
On Blastocystis:
things that I and many of the people on had previously tried that failed to eliminate blastocystis: oregano oil,
Colloidal Silver , garlic, olive leaf extract, zapping, peppermint oil,
Black-Walnut , artemesia, gentian, Dr. Clark products,
Wormwood . Also various diet regimes. Thus, has a prescription
Antibiotic program that I"d like to try, since all of these non-prescription products did not help.
Ive edited my post: at one time this message had my thoughts on trying a special liquid diet while taking anti-blasto or anti-
parasite products, but I've since decided for myself that the liquid diet would be too sweet, and having heard of success of someone who did an anti-blasto program while on a LOW CARB diet successfully, I've chosen that route as what I'll end up doing, instead of liquid diet on the program)
I had to wait on the whole treatment, because I have too much of a candida problem to undergo the
Antibiotic portion of the blasto treatment. I've been putting together an anti-candida program for myself, slowly (the standard anti-candida herbs with a halfway there anti-candida diet just isn't enough for my case, so candida program is stricter than that for me).
I did keep in touch for awhile with a fellow in Europe, who successfully did the badbugs site recommended anti-blasto program. Judging by his symptoms beforehand and his reaction to the
Antibiotics , he did not have a severe candida problem beforehand, as I do, so despite the fact that he was successful, I'm planning on further getting rid of my candida and improving my digestion first before doing blasto treatment.
Something important: this fellow who was successful stressed that he thinks the following diet during the blasto program is crucial to the success of it, something the badbugs site doesn't go into: for the 10 days (I think it's 10 days) of the blasto drugs and for at least a few days after that, NO STARCHES or anything sweet of any kind. This fellow ate pretty much just raw and cooked vegetables that are NOT starchy, meat, and that's it during the blasto program. He did a stool test before and after, and the blasto that showed up in his stoll before the program was gone after the program. Said his symptoms were better too.
I do own the anti-blasto drugs recommended by badbugs. Bought them online. I can't unpack my info right now to see where, but I do remember that one of the sources was - I got them ok, and price seemed reasonable.
By the way, the only other thing I've read about that might be a helper for anti-blasto is slowly-released oregano oil tablets, but MUST be very slowly released to make it down to the lower portion of the bowel, and unfortunatly the only brand I could find that is slowly -released is expensive: ADP tablets by Biotics Research. I own some now, and will add those when I do the blasto program, starting a week or two beforehand. I've tried several brand of enteric oregano, and they are always in gelcaps that seem to dissolve too quickly to really make it down to the very lower parts of the bowel, so I gulped the price and went ahead and bought the ADP tablets. No Rx needed for those, but do a google search, only a few places sell them.
The fellow in Europe also said that he waited on adding probiotics until the blasto program was well over, because (I’ve read the elsewhere too) blasto actually eats probiotics.
Also, taking anti-candida products at the same time as taking the
Antibiotics is another step that, as far as I know, most of the people on the badbugs site did not do (and many of those people still got well). So I think that this would further increase the chances of achieving the healthy gut that only some of the badbugs site people achieved.