Misquoted, actually...
Then he said, in a goloss of great suffering, but still rocking
away: "What gets into you all? We study the problem and
we've been studying it for damn well near a century, yes, but
we get no further with our studies. You've got a good home
here, good loving parents, you've got not too bad of a brain.
Is it some devil that crawls inside you?"
"Nobody's got anything on me, sir," I said. "I've been out of
the rookers of the millicents for a long time now."
"That's just what worries me," sighed P. R. Deltoid. "A bit
too long of a time to be healthy. You're about due now by my
reckoning. That's why I'm warning you, little Alex, to keep
your handsome young proboscis out of the dirt, yes. Do I
make myself clear?"
"As an unmuddied lake, sir," I said. "Clear as an azure sky of
deepest summer. You can rely on me, sir." And I gave him a
nice zooby smile.