Re: Good to see you back, Kathryn101
Corey...Thank you so much! I'm not necessarily 'back'. :-) I just don't have
much time for posting anymore. I used to post very early in the morning...then
I'd check in around noon to see if anyone needed any help I could give...and then
I'd check back late in the evening. I just don't have time for that kind of posting
I don't know what has happened...but I've just almost lost total control of my life. :-) There are just not enough hours in the day these days.
My mother-in-law has come down with Alzheimers. And the 13 months that we tried
to see to her totally on our own was a living nightmare. My husband is an only
child...and our grown kids all live in the 'corporate..high speed' world...and
didn't have time to help. We just really had our hands full for those 13 months.
She's been in an assisted living facility now, since June. And even though it's
'assisted living'...she has round the clock care. But it's only 10 minutes from we still try to go see her almost every day. They have a choice at this
facility of having private quarters or a roommate, and Marie wanted a roommate.
And they're both at about the same 'point' in their illness. Some days are good
and some days are bad. On a bad day, we'll go out there and they'll be talking to
each other and us...and nothing that is said, makes any sense at all. You can
ask Marie and Nona how they slept last night and Marie will say something like, "NO, I don't like broccoli...YOU know that!" And Nona will chime in...
"Oh, you washed my CAR...well THANK YOU!" :-) You never know whether to laugh
or cry on their bad days. And they'll sit there and talk back and forth...and
neither one of them is really responding to what the other one just said. They're
answering with something completely off the wall. It's just pitiful.
But we're trying to get Marie's homeplace ready to sell...and that's a very trying
task. We're keeping a lot of her things and storing them in the 2nd floor of our
workshop. So we've got our hands full, even now.
But on a brighter's FINALLY 43 degrees in our little woods in Southern
Illinois. My husband has just left to go deer while he relaxes in his
'tree' :-) for the next 4 hours...I'm going to make hay even before the sun starts
to shine. I've got our fireplace's quiet as a church mouse in here...
and I've got tons to do.
I hope you have a great day! kathryn
"Life's experiences can be better than any movie you've ever seen!"