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Requesting responses from people who are subject matter experts.. A post from the MH forum on urine
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Requesting responses from people who are subject matter experts.. A post from the MH forum on urine


When is it safe to drink your urine? Just as smart of a question; when is it safe to re-breathe your own air?

Think about the above.........................................................

Urine and exhaled air are toxic to human life........................

"IF" you choose to re-breathe your air, you won't live past 7 minutes. "IF" you drink your urine, your going to be drinking indoxyl, a toxic waste, very toxic.

When is is safe to drink urine that is indoxyl free?

Those who never eat meat, eggs and proteins may have indoxyl free urine. Think about this statement....................................................

Odds are, those seeking to cure their health problems, have been consuming too many proteins and most likely animal based proteins and Nature has a surprize known as indoxyl which also saturates their entire body. Yet the pee drinkers claim their toxic pee is their cure, so I must presume they believe it is wise to accumulate their indoxyl waste??????????????????????????????

It does not take a wise person to see, that in no sense does it make sense to re-consume the waste products of the human body, that in fact it leads to further health problems and done to the extreme causes death.

Indoxyl causes appendicitis, typhoid fever and other enteric fevers and answers 90% of the questions asked by people who seek to improve their health. It is a direct result of catarrhal of the colon and loss of digestive function and causes accumulations of the entire body. Actually I believe indoxyl is the direct cause of death to all people who die of a standard disease that drags down their health for many years before they choke on their dry tongue.

Many phantom pains of the stomach, liver, etc. have their origion with indoxyl poisoning. Many operations are done for no other reason that indoxyl poisoning and yet, many would have us drink our own indoxyl toxins and tell us it will make us well????

Is Dr, Mayo wrong????? Do these pee drinkers know something these famous surgeons, MDs don't know? Is drinking indoxyl the answer? Do these people test their urine for indoxyl???????????? The facts probably are that "IF" your urine is indoxyl free, then your not a meat eating protein constipated person seeking some alternitive health route to take, the cheapest route possible by drinking your own pee.

Dr. Mayo stated to the ama that 90% of ALL operations are not called for. A GREATER YET surgeon stated that 99.999% of ALL SURGERIES are not called for. These surgeries are preformed because of imflamation/puss filled organs of elimination that got that way from the accumulations of indoxyl that were produced by anaerobic bacteria.

These bacteria grow on wrong foods consumed and can only do so when constipated and thus creates the vicious cycle until you experience disease and the last thing on this earth that would make sense, is to drink the indoxyl waste your body is attempting to get rid of to save your life.

The cure for indxyl?
1) eat correctly

Thats the only cure....

An aid? Herbs come to the rescue, the Lower Bowel Balance formula Dr. John R. Christopher made his fame on and used in every case that ever came his way as the FIRST TREATMENT. The only condition that the LBB is not FIRST CALLED for is the case of appendicitis, this you MUST use the enema 3X, stop all food for 1 week and 100% of every case will cure its self. The use of the LBB starts as soon as all food is stopped and the person lives on liquids only and not allot of liquids, only when thirst calls.

In theory; the use of the Lower Bowel Capsules does not allow anaerobic bacteria to thrive and there for people who consume the LBB formula has little to no indoxyl, thus they never loose their appendix, their tonsils, their spleen, their gallbladder nor their tyroid, the glands known as the HUMAN IMMUNE SYSTEM. Why are these glands known as the body's IMMUNE SYSTEM? Because these glands expell the puss that is a result of anaerobic bacteria that cause indoxyl.

The crazy surgeon loves to cut the tonnsils out, this puts the labor on the spleen and gallbladder, they double in their size as a result, the the crazy surgeon says they must be cut out, then the poor appendix doubles in size and hurts under the added labor and the crazy surgeon says it must go before it kills you! Then the last organ, the thyroid begins to fail and the surgeon waits his turn as the drugs fail to control it...

To drink indoxyl free pee, one must eat proper fruit diet correctly and as an option consume LBB capsules with each wrong meal to feel somewhat safe that they are drinking their own poisons. The question begging to be asked, would those fruit eaters or herb users ever dream that they would need to drink their urine for medicine???

The surgeon would not exist for disease if it were not for their "FEAR" factor methods they learn in college. 100 years ago they thrived on fear and today they have made it state of art.

My most favorite books are old books written by surgeons that put down their drugs, their knives and learned that 99.999% of all surguries are not called for. That in fact, the puss and swelling is caused by indoxyl created by the rotten gut of the protein eaters that dissobey every rule of Nature that God ever gave us humans to follow and as a result, some have resulted to drinking their own urine; something we would expect the monkey in the cage to do out of bordom or maybe he is wanting to commit suicide and is just not able...

We don't need surgery.
We don't need drugs.
We don't need herbs.
We don't need to drink silver water.
We don't need hooked up and tuned into electric boxes to zap us.
We don't need to drink our urine and God forbid we seek certified indoxyl free urine.
We don't need vegetables.
We don't need water.
We don't need insurance against diseases.
We don't even need the Lower Bowel balance.
"IF" we eat the foods God provides for our specie.
We may need some help with the parasite problem from past sins against the body and possible parasites from other sources in nature, for this God provided the tree and the herb of the land.
Do we need the curezone? Yes, it provides intertainment so we can see what everyone has to say and this post is NOTHING but a comment with zero proofs of anything; written for intertainment purposes ONLY>>>>>>> Just comments to make one think and "SHAKE THAT TREE""

Those that choose to study BOOK I and future BOOKS will see hundreds, if not thousands of such entertaining comments from old authors of medical background that bucked the medical system. Those that don't care for such a thing, can easly do their own search that is never ending. Either way, the goal of this forum is to always insight interest for self-study.

Until the reader is 100% sure that they will never have a disease they did not desirve, then they have not read the BAREFOOT WAY enough.

Life is very simple once you remove the public education.

Blessings all,
The Barefoot Herbalist, M.H.


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