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Re: The Encourager's Club (info) :-)
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Published: 19 y
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Re: The Encourager's Club (info) :-)

Hi Katherine,
I'm glad to see you are still doing nice things for others and it's nice to have you join us again. I haven't seen you here in a while.

Perhaps, rather than a forum, which is simply a question and answer format, you could ask Spirit to give you a site, such as the ones that are linked on the top bar of the Curezone opening page. Another way might be to use the Blog pages. I see many people sharing this way also.

You may want to go to the computer forum and ask someone how you can import clip art images into Curezone. You would have to scan them in to your computer first if you are getting them out of a book. However, if you are getting them out of the internet, right click on the image and see the properties, if it's a jpeg file then it would be like posting any other image. But I'm cetainly not the one to help you, I know for a fact that the folks over that forum are very capable of helping you if yu explain where you are obtaining your clipart images. Then, hopefully they will give you step by step instrucions....aand...both you and I can learn something!

All the very best to you.


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