Re: How to cut the cancer causing agents out of your home!
I will subject myself to the spam if enough people are interested. Once you email me there is no autoresponder or anything of the sort. I will log into my account read your email and respond to any questions or inquiries personally. You will not be spammed as I am the only one receiving your emails and I will not send you any info you have not requested. I know that it is hard to trust people on the internet. So I will give you a bit of information about myself hoping that you believe me and trust me. I am a 25 year old single mother of a beautiful little girl. Well, she's not so little anymore, she's going to be 7 in May. My uncle was diagnosed with teminal pancreatic cancer almost 2 years ago and our entire family set out gathering all the info. on cancer and cancer causing agents we could. We have several medical professoinals in our family so it was a bit easier decifering the medical lingo... We found a remarkable way to take the cancer causing agents out of our home environments and have been trying to post messages to as many forums as possible and respond to inquires to educate others on all the research we've done. Admittadly the statistics are sobbering and hard to memorize to quote off the top of ones head but I do have alot of websites people can visit to educate, one that provides a book you can purchase, and a company that produces a complete line on non-toxic/carcinogen free household products. The products range from vitamins and beauty/personal hygeine to your basic everyday cleaning items.(Replacements for Formula 409, Windex, Pledge, Pine Sol, etc...the list goes on and on.)
The reason we do this is because we transformed our homes...amazingly my uncle only given 3 months to live has now been with us for almost 2 more years. Giving us time to hold parties for him and share with him the wonderful moments that we hold as fond memories instead of waiting until his funeral. Now of course he is doing everything medically possible as well, but the doctors can't explain this phenominon and praise us for our research. They even have transformed their homes. So as I said before if more people post responses as you did I do not mind the spam as long as I am reaching and helping others. I have come home full time to do this and pray there is a great response in this forum as well as others.
God Bless,