What a sweetheart you are! After I posted to you yesterday, I prayed that my words would be received well and that God(and all) would be blessed by your response...THANK YOU, for understanding what was shared by me. I know your family has understood the difficulties many experience when working to find a solution to illness. I've also seen those ill that have lost support of friends and family have a sales rep jump in on forums(that have become supportive) such as this veiled under a way to be well only to find that the person posting was more interested in the business/profit aspect(rather than seeing where the hurting individual really was). Personally, I don't see a problem with posting and sharing that your experiences in life brought you to a particular company for use and income opportunity if time is taken to realize that popping on and popping off a forum can lend to people wondering if or actually believing "your" best interests or that of a company are the biggest priority. I'm sure you have much to offer concerning toxins, family experiences, and informtion sources but honestly don't think it cool to think that people must find results only as a customer of a particular company. It's the different strokes for different folks thinking I'm talking about(just like God works with me in a different way and timing to bring me to the same conclusion as another thru different experiences). Do you see where I'm coming from on that? Not everyone can financially buy manufactured products(and especially if they've lost income because of their illness circumstances thru job loss or lost time on the job, medical bills, or even natural supplements that are expensive that didn't work for them) while anyone can start with examining/recognizing what is harmful in the home with some solutions to get started already on the shelves. hmmmm, passion for what's worked for anyone is understood by me and I'm sure others, too...so rather than tell you what exactly to do, I'll just let God direct your heart while giving a couple of suggestions(and then God can be free to direct those reading as to what He wants them to do or not do...okay?). Personally, I'd like to read what you have to offer on toxins in the home and cancer so I'm sure where there is a will to be helpful, there is a way. Maybe you would like to navigate the curezone site a bit and check out posting options on another more suitable forum. I receive personal testimonial emails thru curezone so maybe a product testimonial site would be better suited for some company information you have available(so toxin information itself can be separated from products from a company information). Not sure if this one is appropriate of it it actually hits my emailbox but you could read there and see what you think or ask the
Webmaster of this website for suggestions???
//www.curezone.org/forums/f.asp?f=65 Thank you, also, for apologizing...I forgive you and hope that you will forgive me for not being eloquent in typing what all is in my heart. Nice to have met you...do take care and have a wonderful day/week! : )