Re: trbs7 - how many days between MC's?
Of course, as with anything else, this answer is going to be different for everyone!! The book says that you can do the
Master-Cleanse 4 times per year. But if you can go anywhere from 10-40 days on the MC, 4 times a year would seem a little much if you did 40 days each time!!!
My first fast was 14 days, and I was ready to start again after a week!! I ended up waiting 6 weeks because my husband decided that he wanted to try it with me, and I had to get his liver flushed, clean up his diet, wean him off of caffeine, etc.
My second
Master-Cleanse was also 14 days, and it was in July so it'll have been about 3 months. I'm definitely "chomping at the bit" to start this one!
I've done some one dayers here and there and several liver flushes, so I've still been getting some minimal "fast time" in.
I think 30 days is good. Just listen to what your body is telling you - that's the main thing. If it's not ready, then don't start. Wait another day or two. I tend to feel miserable when I don't listen to my body and forge ahead with a
Liver Flush or day of fasting.
Good luck to you!