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(For Men Only) A serious question...
kevinnader Views: 1,517
Published: 19 y

(For Men Only) A serious question...


I was wondering if any guys would know what is the cause of this.

I have this problem with my penis. I am cut by the way. The skin rolls up at a certain point in the middle of my penis and it is VERY uncomfortable. It never happened before. I did take a look when it happened to see and sure enough there was like skin that stopped at certain point being thicker,and then continues as normal skin to rest of penis to the head. I dont know why it does this. I am constantly moving every 4-5 minutes to try to get the skin to move so it doesnt stick or roll up. I do this every day. Its not a thing that happens once a day either. It happens every 5 minutes at times. So I am constantly spreading my legs apart to try to get the skin loose and rearranging my boxers or pants.

I dont think I can stress enough how annoying and uncomfortable this is. I guess it is just how the skin stops at that place thicker or becomes tight at that place or whatever.

Could it be from too much self-gratification? I know it sounds dumb,but I dont know what to do for it.



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