Yoo Hoo...Kevinnader...
Hi Kevin...We have a son named Kevin. :-)
We were up way before dawn this morning...because it's the first day of deer season
in Southern Illinois, and my husband is an avid deer hunter. And I decided with the
little time I had before getting ready for church...I'd read on curezone. I'm so
glad I did. I've seen your name before when skimming curezone...but never stopped
to read any of your posts. I'm so glad I did this morning.
You say you have a 20 hour drive to Oklahoma...so you must be up in the North East
somewhere...or maybe Canada???
All I wanted to say is that my heart really goes out to you. And after reading many
of your old posts, I really feel that a lot of your health problems have to do with
the fact that you're unhappy with your life in general...which is a very common thing for many, unfortunately. Now I'm not saying you're 'imagining the symptoms'...so don't go bonkers on me. I believe your symptoms are very real and you're a very miserable young man. But I hope that's about to change, really soon!
I hope the move to Oklahoma is a good move for you. It will either immediately make
you feel better...or you may possibly continue on as you are...searching for answers
to your health issues. The 'key' to this toss up will probably be the 'connection'
to your friend you'll be sharing a home with. If your friendship is a good and close one, I expect you will feel better immediately upon getting to your new home.
If it isn't a close friendship...you could either stay the same...or feel worse,
because you will then be across country from your real 'home'. I hope and pray
this is the right move for you.
Having studied natural healing for 3 decades and dealt with many people, I've
learned that only once in a rare blue moon...when someone has so many health
issues ...is the problem really a major physical issue. It usually turns out to
be that the person is so dissatisfied with their life in general...that their
complete 'unhappiness with their place in life'...had caused their many symptoms.
Even having only read your posts this morning for the first time...I have a very
strong desire to help you. I have grandsons your age...and if they were in the
state you're in...I'd sure want someone to help them.
I hope you will really think about the move to Oklahoma. Do you have a really good
and close relationship with this friend you will be rooming with? If you do...this
is going to be a very good move for you. If you don't...maybe you should re-think
the move at this time. So give this friendship...and this particular move... some serious thought.
I do...absolutely believe...that you need to take control of your life. You need
to find happiness...in as many ways as you can...you need to find and or make good
friends...you need to be out doing and giving and loving. And I'm not necessarily
talking about a romantic relationship in...'loving'...I'm talking about opening
your eyes...rethinking life in general...find ways to do for...and lift 'others'
up. And in doing that...you will find a rejuvenation of mind and spirit that you
didn't even know you were capable of. I absolutely guarantee it!!!
I didn't have time to read as many of your posts as I would have liked...but here's
my advice...take it or leave it...it's free. :-)
Think seriously about your friendship in Oklahoma...and this move. Are you sure
this is the right move for you? If you feel it is...try to just roll with the
punches in the coming month...let yourself daydream about your life in Oklahoma.
Plan ahead...on paper...the things you want to do in Oklahoma. Better still...start
a journal! Journals are not just for women...my husband has kept a journal for
decades...every single day...and he's a big burly...woodsy 'mountain man'...
61 years old. :-) So think about starting one today! Write your thoughts now...
about your health...your move...etc. Write down the things you do each day to
lift others up...and the response you got from them. I think you'll find very soon,
that your journal will take on a whole new 'attitude'. I just almost guarantee it!
And as for Walmart...there are bound to be other places to work in your new town
than Walmart!!! So when you get there...look around! Is there a UPS...or Fed-X?
Or how about Lowe's or Home Depot? Their 'starting' pay, I believe is above Walmarts
highest hourly wage. If it's a big town...the sky's 'really' the limit for you!
There is so much you can do. You have most of your life ahead of you...and you want the rest to be the very happiest it can be.
Type in your new town in Oklahoma and do a search of businesses. Then go to the
websites of the 'chain' stores and businesses...each one will have a place to check
on employment. Many, you can apply for online!
I wish you the very best, Kevin! And I'll be praying for you. I saw one post
where you asked if there were any christians on curezone. :-) I hope to goodness
there are many!!! :-) I'm the 60 year old daughter of an old baptist preacher.
My daddy is about to turn 83 and still preaching his old socks off in the pulpit
every single Sunday.
My mom and daddy drug me out of bed every Sunday morning to go to church, too. And
I am a gazillion times better for it...believe you me! I have the kind of faith
that can move mountains...and you can have it to. You can start praying daily and
asking God to come into your life and guide you in changing your life and your health...and I absolutely guarantee you...that if you'll do that..he will.
YOU...kevinnader...are on the brink of a miracle!:-) Whether you go on to Oklahoma
or not...I feel your life is about to take a turn around...that you have only
dreamed of.
I haven't spent much time on curezone the last year. My very elderly mother-in-law has been very ill. But I'm going to keep reading your posts and keep tabs on you.
I just know there is a big light now appearing at the end of your long dark tunnel.
I hope you have a great day, today! kathryn