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to 18637

What does "tried everything" entail? I've felt pretty close to exactly those feelings, left them, and returned. I'm just leaving them again. After 12 years of off and on again Depression "hell", I'm NOT a good actress to my family any more. In fact, I acted for about 7 or 8 years--the last four I just told them.

It doesn't look good right now that I will beat this monster--as soon as I feel a little better, I start arguing with my husband. Then I get upset, and can't sleep. I have five children I've given my life for--and now, I have to take it back.
I have had three rough nights of not sleeping--and often it is 'circumstancial'--like a daughter getting up at four when I went back to sleep at 3:30, or staying out with another daughter until 1 am, and then waking up when another had to leave for a track meet and her alarm went off at 5. But still, it isn't sleeping. If it goes a couple more days...sigh. I don't tell my husband--he doesn't handle it well. So I'll just do all the things I can do to figure it out for myself (with help from curezone friends) and if 4 months from now I'm back in "hell" I will at least be able to remind myself that I know enough to hang on because it passed. So 70 percent of my life is hellish--I'll either fix it, figure it out, or learn to accept it (everything in me yelled 'NO' when I typed those words.

Now, back to my original question: What does "tried everything" entail? Because if it is just meds, that DOESN"T count. And if I made you mad asking, good. At least it is a feeling, and if you get it out, then maybe I'll learn something from YOU. (I try to please everyone and 'be kind at all costs', even in the depth of depression.
I hope you'll respond.


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