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Re: Help/opinions please! 3 year old with fluid in his ear
onthejourney Views: 1,270
Published: 19 y
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Re: Help/opinions please! 3 year old with fluid in his ear

Is he happier with the milk of the ear infections/tubes? Yes, you will have a difficult period while you are making the adjustment. No one likes change. If you stick with it, probably in two weeks he won't even be asking for it. Remember, you are in charge of protecting your child. You will have to get creative on how to distract him if he is used to having a bottle with milk. If you need inspiration, see the Italian film, Life is Beautiful

This is no different than weaning any other baby. He is old enought so explain that the milk is causing his ear trouble and that you will no longer be giving him milk. Explain that water will help him get better. I would not offer soy milk and would not try to substitute anything. While you still have control, get him used to drinking water. Children do not need beverages. You will thank yourself when he is older. People look at my child in amazement because he asks for water when he is thirsty and exclaim that they cannot get their kids to drink water. It is no special feat, all I have done is offered water. My child get freshly squeezed juice on occasion and every now and again some green or white tea. He is 4.

I think you will be amazed when you cut out the dairy. Good Luck.


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