Help/opinions please! 3 year old with fluid in his ear
Before I knew better, I let the doctors put tubes in my son's ears. They have since fallen out and the ear drums have closed back up. He now has had fluid behind his right ear drum for over a month. Yesterday, the doctor said that they want to look at the possibility of putting another tube in. I definitely DO NOT want to do this!!! But I don't know what to do to get the fluid out of his ear. It currently is not infected.
In searching CZ, I've found things that would help an ear infection, but nothing that would help when there is only fluid and no infection. I've thought that maybe I would try these things anyway and see where that gets us. I am supposed to take him back to the doctor in 2 months so that they can check his ear. I'm hoping I can get the fluid out naturally before that. So, I've read that using a 50/50 mix of ACV and water would be good and also H2O2. Any thoughts on either of these? I'm so afraid of hurting his ear.
Like I said, he's 3. He is very head-strong and would rather starve than eat a green bean. His diet consists mostly of organic milk, organic apple juice, potatoes, bananas, and any junk food that he can get his hands on (although this isn't much). He also likes pizza and hot dogs, but I try not to give him either of these more than once a week.
His pH consistently tests at 8.0. And I've just started putting a teaspoon of ACV in his apple juice everyday.
I'm at a loss as to his diet. How do you get a 3 year old to eat healthy foods?
I feel lost and confused as to what to do about him.
Thanks to anyone who can give me any tips or advice!