MH 108
18 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: Alkalinity
I used pH paper for 30 years at work, when I started self-applied prevention I often tested my salvia and urine daily at work. The Amish Healer noticed that when your pH is below 5.3, your heading for a coma/shock and seen this many times with the diabetics.
I also noticed that while fasting "IF" one experiences "CRASH" this creash is too much acids being removed too quickly and the body goes into CRASH and many times the person will stop the fast and feel like they can't do it. Some years ago I learned how to avoid the low pH and the crash. It has to do with what the docs say about Alkaine Reserve.
Years ago I added the Longevity Formula the minerals needed to avoid the low pH, I simply would use pH paper first thing at work and start with eye droppers of the Longevity and in a few doses I was alkaline for the day. THIS IS NOT TO SAY MY ACIDS WERE ALL GONE, NOT AT ALL, IT ONLY MEANS I HAVE ENOUGH ALKALINITY YO AVOID THE CRASH OF BEING TOO ACID.
Many companies use these minerale to LIE to the customer, their product makes the pH high and the person is mislead and thinks they are well and can eat all the junk foods they desire with no worries. Body Balance and many such products fake the customer. THE ONLY CURE is to remove the acids, this comes by fasting properly or long term fruit diet.
I have never told anyone what I use to raise the pH, I just mix it all up and call it Longevity Formula. I want people to fast and not depend on a product and If I tell, thats what people will do, buy the product and not correct the diet. I can tell you, if your crashing, your alkaline reserve is low.