Acidity not specific cause to lip problem....
OK. I believe that we have a chronic case of 'bad bacteria' and yeast living in the mucous membranes of our 'mouths', particularly just 'inside' our lips. The irritation from these large numbers of bacteria and/or yeast is so severe that it actually penetrates from the mouth right through to the lips. Here is why I think this......
When I first read
Andreas Moritz 's diagnosis of this problem it was all about acidity and irritation of intestines. I thought that this 'acidity' thing was unique to our condition. Now after re-reading Andreas's book it seems clear to me that 'acidity' in the intestines is actually quite common as well as poor digestion.
He says that there is irritation to the intestinal lining that results in the outer lining sheding/replacing cells more quickly than is normal. I get that this might be happening in our intestines, but our lips are a long way from our intestines so how can it be happening here as well? Also from reading his book he says people with chronic diseases usually have hundreds of gall stones in the liver. I do not think therefore that we have any more
Gallstones than anybody else with a chronic condition. So there has to be something more specific than just 'acidity' that is going on with our lips.
This leads me to the other person he wrote to about peeling lips. To the other person who wrote to him he replied like this:
'It represents a strong disturbance of 'air' in the large intestine. The dehydration in the colon is accompanyied by acidity, also fermentation from foods like breads, fruit, sugar, pastry etc. All this relates to inapproriate diet, eating too late at night and poor bile production in the liver. The lymph system particulary around the belly will also be affected due to the digestive problems. This in turn affects the adrenal glands. Liver and bowel cleansing are neccessary to deal with underlying causes.'
When reading his book, he talks about people who have too much 'bad bacteria' or yeast and how it affects their lymph vessels particularly round the belly area. He also says that he does not advise taking things to kill the bacteria/yeast (or parasites). He says that if you take something to kill them, this will put high strain on an already congested liver as it tries to filter them out and will result in the creation of more gall stones forming in the liver. This will further impair digestion. He says that infection of parasites/bacteria/yeast is always due to poor digestion. He says that a better way of dealing with this is to regularly liver and
Bowel Cleanse (which will be a slower way of getting rid of them) and this will allow your own immune system to get rid of them gradually.
This lead me to consider that he might actually believe that peeling lips is caused by too much bacteria/yeast. Prehaps the reason he does not specifically say this in regard to peeling lips is because he thinks that the person is better off dealing with the root cause of this as he sees it, being 'poor digestion' by liver cleansing. Poor digestion leaves ample food source for bacteria and yeast. If he tells people its bacteria and yeast they might try to kill them all in one go which from his point of view is not the best option. Also another reason is that if you do try to kill these micro-organisms, you will probably find you will keep getting re-infected. This is because you also have to change the environment in the intestines (via liver/bowel cleansing and improved diet, thus making it less toxic so much harder for these organsims to surive.
When people get an oral yeast infection such as on the tongue, doctors say that it is because these organisms have grown out of control in the bowel and have made their way all the way up from the large intestine to the mouth. I believe that we have an overgrowth of yeast and/or bacteria that has made its way up from the colon, then travelled along the 'roof' of our mouths and set up camp originally just inside the centre of our top lip in our 'mouths'. Notice this area is directly opposite the eosphagus. This infection then gradually spread to other parts of the 'mouth' (again on the 'inside' of our lips, not on the actual lips themselves).
Now before you say, 'but someone else had a stool test and had no yeast and staph bacteria' I'll get to that later but here me out first.
When people eat, particularly foods like bread, fruit,
Sugar etc, the bacteria in our colons ferments these foods. It is the actual 'bacteria' that causes the fermentation. This is fine and normal (if you have normal 'small' amounts of bad bacteria living in your colon. But if you are like us (as I believe) and have large amounts of 'bad bacteria' not only in your colon but living in your 'mouth' as well it will cause problems, like peeling lips. Going back to Andreas, fermentation causes gas = 'air'. Instead of foods, particularly the ones mentioned above, being fermented in the colon (where they are supposed to be by small amounts of normal bacteria), I believe this fermentation process is actually happening in the mouth when we eat due to the excessive numbers of these bacteria. (I have not researched whether yeasts are involved in this fermentation thing or if it is just bacteria, however I think that yeasts may contribute to the irritation as well.) When the 'bad bacteria' starts acting on the food, they produce many irritant substances. Because there is so much irritation due to the numbers of bacteria, I believe the irritation actually penetrates right through and the irritation is then seen on the surface of the lips. I notice that when I eat say a piece of bread with say avocado on it, that I will get almost immediate peeling as well as a sort of red ring around the outside of my lips.
Man, I have so much more to say but absolutely must go to bed right now. I promise I will do part 2 (which will include ways to tackle this besides liver cleansing) as soon as I have time. This post is quite long anyway so is probably good to break it into 2 parts.
Thanks for reading.