Grz :-)..
Hi Grz :-),
If you do the Castor Oil packs (I hope you'll do it), please post your results, would you?
Additional info for you:
There is a public-domain pdf e-book which is downloadable, authored by Dr. Isabelle Moser, the title is "How and When To be Your Own Doctor", which I suggest you download and read for the following reason:
In this book (Searchable by the "Ctrl F" function on your keyboard), Dr. Moser mentions how she helped her Mother, a concert pianist, to regain the use of her crippled and disfigured hands using Castor Oil packs at night, to the point where her Mother was able to resume playing the piano, which she had had to quit because of the pain and disfigurement of her hands.
This e-book is part of the *beyond excellent* Soil and Health Library out of Australia, which is maintained by Dr. Moser's surviving Husband, Steve Solomon, as a labor of love in memory of his Wife.
Here is the link to the Soil and Health Library:
The download link to Dr. Moser's book is listed in the Catalog of the "Alternative Medical Therapies Library".
This Library is a *trove*- I have spent many, many days in it :-). Enjoy :-)..
Good Health to All of Us,
Ladylove :-)
..finding the Cure for "kneezles" :-)..