Cure... or Cured
Recently I developed a tonic liquid that can be both ingest and topical.
So far, it killed many bacteria, fungus, virus, and mite.
It can be use for burn infection, herpes flare up, rash, mites (killed in less than 1 minutes), acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc... This tonic when apply externally will kill in contact.
My problem now is I cannot build a standard usage for internal. This tonic is nontoxic whatsoever. For external, just apply to affected area. I only have tested on me personally, my friends and family.
The result was very stunning.
I now test on CANIDIA/CANDIDA yeast infection (external, internal). I hope to get the result soon. Externally seems to work but wait for the test from the conventional clinic for proof. If it does work on it, praise God!
I will keep you guys up to date.