Re: Numbness in Limbs
Have u had previous accidents that began this?
Q: what is your job?
A: I worked with computers so I sat all day. Bad posture. So then I would go and workout and then hurt my back or shoulders. just dumb stuff like that!
Q: Have a look on the internet at upper limb tension tests? (ULTT).
A: I have never heard of it but looking it up right now to get educated.
Q: One question though, do you have metal fillings?
A: Not anymore. I just had the last one taken out about two months ago.
I noticed yesterday that after working out, I took right hand over my head and cup my left ear and pull down toward my right shoulder, GENTLY!, and then pull my left arm down to stretch the neck. Again, very gently. I am doing this right now as I write this. I noticed that I my left hand becomes tingling and numbness appears along with a neck pain. So, in your opinion, would that be affecting the nerve in the neck or shoulder? They were both being stretched.
Much thanks!,
NC Man