Day 2
Hi Everyone, well today is the start of day 2 and I seriously feel like death warmed up, been up since 3am with diarehh (cant spell lol my brain wont function) and cold sweats all night, my mouth tastes so nasty and my skin stinks like a dirty wet towel....I can not swallow this salt water, I feel so sick, so I am having Lax tea, besides after the night I had I dont think theres any probs with BM. I am seriously considering doing a
coffee enema if it will help remove these toxins but I am unsure of how to do it, anyone got any info would be appreciated.....
Is it ok if I only take 1 T of the syrup in my lemonade and eat the other off the spoon as the taste of it is making me ill.....I am praying this passes fast cause I cant function feeling like this normal to feel this bad? I just want to sit and cry like a baby, I knew I was full of toxins but this is really bad, achey all over like a bad case of the flu and cant stop freezing....sorry for the whinning but I have to let this out.....thanks everyone and wish me luck, hope everyone is having a good cleanse