Re: HELP!! Newbie asking for advice!! experiences?
Ruh-roh~~ you misread~~~I do not use *anti-perspirant* but I put 2 versions of my deodorant which I use. One is Liquid Rock by Tree of Life, and the other, Thai Crystal Rock. There are many choices, you just do not want to use something with aluminum in it which clogs your underarm sweat glands. These are our body's *avenue* for detoxing so are best ~kept open~.
Toothpaste is something I really enjoy on the cleanse. I like Burt's Bee's lavender but also have Desert Essence Fennel, and of course you will want to brush your teeth. A tongue brush is also a nice *extra* as well, a tongue scraper.
Here is my blog entry on Tongue Tips which shows my toothbrush and tongue scrapers and explains why they are pretty much *required* :) Even the back of a tablespoon can be used as an effective tongue scraper...
The blog entry on Master Cleanse Basics is the bare essentials.
The extra items is stuff I wanted to use on the cleanse since this is my experience remember...ggg. Much of it however is stuff others might also be interested in using.
My first 30 day cleanse, I went strictly by the book. If it was not lemonade or water or
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) or lax tea or peppermint tea, it did not go into my mouth. This year I decided to customize it a little more for myself. I am an experienced cleanser so I do not have the potential for outrageous die-off which others may have so I did this cleanse a little different. It worked for me~!
The Master Cleanse Express