Re: Battle with Seborrheic Dermatitis - ANY advice and help would be appreciated!
Dear Aunty,
Thank you so much for your advice. You actually cleared up quite a few questions that I'vehad for a while now; for instance, how similar is s-d to excema and other skin ailments.
Yes I do realise that diet has probably played a very very large role in what has come to occur. I have for the past 4 years had an absolutely horrid diet, nothing but fast and junk foods. And I guess its going to take a little longer than just a few months of better eating to slove the problem. About diets I just have a few specific inquiries; are whole grains ok to consume? Wheat flour? what abour bran? I hear splet is a better alternative? And is all dairy a no-no?
Another question I had was regarding the cleanse. I will definitely think of buying the allnaturalcleanse products, but there was someone else on one of the forums who reccomended a
colonics process instead, and said it would be an easier process. But I have some misgivings about the procedure even though I am quite unfamiliar with it. If you would have any information on that I would appreciate it.
Again, thank you very much for your time and your advice. You have already given me more time and information in this one post than my dermatologist has given me on 3 seperate visits!