Re: help, my hair is dying :(
Hi katiechernyak
Dry hair, is fragile when wet, so wait to brush it until after it is dry. Hair can stretch to nearly double its length when it is wet, and this can be very damaging.
Avoid using anything alkaline in your hair. Alkaline hair becomes dry, brittle and frizzy.
Herbs that combat dry hair include burdock, calendula, chamomile, rose geranium, lavender, rose, rosemary, cedarwood and sandalwood. These herbs not only encourage healthy hair, but also smell great! :)
For dry, wispy hair, put a drop or two of sandalwood or rosemary essential oil on your fingers and gently rub it in. Then use a hair rinse, by making a tea with comfrey and use it as a hair rinse.
To improve your dry hair, drink a tea made with equal parts oat straw, nettle and horsetail, or take these herbs as a tincture or as pills. These herbs are high in silica and other minerals that are important for hair growth.
Sulfur is very important for producing nice thick hair to stronger and more flexible. So include lots of garlic, onions, nasturtiums and anythingt in the cabbage family.
Since your hair has been like this for so long. I suggest you start taking an MSM supplement. MSM will greatly improve your hair and skin with the much needed natural sulfur your body is missing.
Lets start by making the shampoo first.
Crush or grind 1 ounce of dried Soapwort Root.
Boil a
quart of spring water, remove from burner and immediatly add the soapwart root along with 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 drops chamomile essential oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
let steep an hour and a half. Once cooled completely, filter through a coffee filter or cheese cloth.
Shampoo your hair with this formula.
Now make an herbal conditioner for your dry hair.
Boil a pint of spring water, remove from burner and immediatly add a teaspoon each burdock root, calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, lavender flowers and rosemary leaves.
steep for about 30 minutes. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Pour over your scalp and hair as final rinse after shampooing. Leave on without rinsing out. For dandruff, add 6 drops sage essential oil, shake well before using.
If you feel you need an oil treatment for your dry hair.
Oil Treatment for Dry Hair. 2
ounces aloe vera gel, 2
ounces castor oil, 6 drops each of rose geranium (or sandlewood) and rosemary essential oils. 2 drops of ginger essential oil is optional if you like.
You can warm this and comb it into your hair by parting several ways before massaging into your scalp with your fingers. Cover with a towel for 1 to 2 hours. Then shampoo out.