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help, my hair is dying :(
katiechernyak Views: 4,030
Published: 19 y

help, my hair is dying :(

Hello everyone!

A little history first. I have been having problems with my hair for some time now. I've been and still am loosing A LOT of it every day, every time I brush. And I noticed that hair that grow from the very top of my head are extremly dry and crazy looking, not like the rest of my hair. You can tell cause they lay on top of other hair. I seriously have very little hair left. I've tryed lots of stuff, masks, oils, all natural, no chemical, good shampoos and conditioners that I buy from whole foods. My husband actually shaved my head about 3 years ago to grow new healthy hair, never die, never blow dry or use irons. I'm female, only 23 y old. I think it all started when I came to America 5 y ago (i'm russian) and dentist put 8 or 9 Amalgams in my teeth (that's when I also started having panic attacks, which noone EVER in my family had before, or any people around me for that matter). I'm removing them now, I have 4 left, and I'll be done in about 2 month. I also extracted root canalled tooth a week ago. My hair hasn't been great before that, but never THIS BAD.

So, I recently got neem oil and I was putting it on my sculp right now and massaging it in. And when I got to the top of my head, around the area where hair grows in circle, my skin there felt really wiered, like it wasn't mine, or like when your leg falls asleep and then tingles. I can also describe it like when you have a really bad bruise and it doesn't hurt, but doesn't feel right. That's around the area where my hair is really bad, and only there. What is it? Can it be poor ciculation? And if yes - why and how can I treat it? Can it be because of amalgams?What else can it be? What can I do to make it better? I would appreciate any information.



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