Re: Can I do it while breastfeeding?
My baby had a doctor appt with her Pedi this morning.
I took advantage of the opportunity and asked about doing the
Master-Cleanse while still breastfeeding.
So for all you BFing moms out there (or for people who have friends who are BFing and ask you about it) ...
1) As long as breastmilk is NOT the exclusive mode of nutrition for the baby ... and the baby is AT LEAST six months old ... the pediatrician sees NO REASON why post partum moms should not go for it.
2) By the time the baby is six months old, the mom's body has gone through most of its major adjustments AND the baby is taking in nutrition from other variable sources while not relying upon breastmilk exclusively ... so detoxing your body will not cause unnecessary stress to your baby.
3) The only thing the doctor saw as a potential, but VERY MINOR, side effect was the TASTE and SMELL of the breastmilk (and the baby may balk at the change at first, but quickly learn to accept it.)
4) The body would have to go through SEVERE dehydration for the breastmilk to be affected by toxins in the body. Drink plenty of water along with the Lemon mixture.
5) If you follow the program as designed and FLUSH out your body appropriately, there should be NO build-up of toxins in your milk supply. SO FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDED DIRECTIONS.
6) However, you should NOT go on an extended fast while breastfeeding. The doctor recommended not exceeding 14 days.
7) If you want to do extended
Master-Cleanse ... the doctor said to go in two week spurts ... do
Master-Cleanse exclusively for two weeks then end fast as directed ... for the next two weeks refuel your body with fresh fruits and soups (stay as liquid as possible) ... then resume the MC for two more weeks and end final fast as directed.
8) The doctor also said that regardless of breastfeeding or not, she would still suggest ALL NEW MOTHERS WAIT UNTIL THEIR BABIES ARE AT LEAST SIX MONTHS OLD before putting your postpartum body through such an intense cleansing cycle so your body can naturally adjust itself from pregnancy state.
9) She said that most people who are drawn to the MC do it for the NATURAL benefits ... so respect the changes your body must naturally go through before embarking upon such a radical detox program, and wait at least six months for your body to do its natural process first.
10) The doctor said, after all of this, that she personally knew of the MC and wished me emotional, mental, physical and spiritual success.