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Re: Best way to cure problems associated with the past?
sofia Views: 1,695
Published: 19 y
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Re: Best way to cure problems associated with the past?

Sorry, when i posted i didn't have much time to explain myself.

EFT might be effective to treat temporarirly some short-cuts but, as it doesn't involve any expansion of awareness, not even at an energetical level, somewhere the same short-cuts are bound to present themselves again. This is just my opinion, some people swear on it, so. Besides I find it quite dull to have to repeat again and again the same procedure, with an automatism and an "adherence to procedure", shall I call it, that I don't trust much. I've tried it briefly and dropped it before seeing anything happen, but I read from others that the results were quite temporary, confirming my feeling. Anyway, I just find it uninteresting, first of all.

I had great results in the past with a technique called Feeling Dissolve, not much known unfortunately, and very potent, at least for me.
it is an easier adaptation of the very ancient and incredibly powerful tantric technique, where, sitting in meditation, you go to the center of the negative feeling and let it run, instead of holding it back as we normally do, going the most possible to the pure emotion and helping it igniting with some of your favourite inner dialogues. You let it explode inside your heart, and you can pass by some scary moments when you feel that you could even die now (when you're dealing with very important issues), you go on let it run and don't get scared, and after a while slowly the storm calms down, and at the end the emotion is gone, totally gone, for ever. I can tell you it relly goes away by personal experience, I've worked on myself with this technique for years.
In the feeling dissolve you help this process using visualization, so that it gets less intense and direct emotionally, but you have the same results.

Another technique which I believe in firmly is rebirthing. There are many different schools of rebirthing, all valid their way, the important thing is to find a "good" rebirther (or better 2, as you should have 10 sessions with a man and 10 sessions with a woman), meaning well prepared and in tune with you.
What happens there is that the circular breathing induces a state of "highly energetic relaxation" that allows you to get in touch with old painful emotions and memories stored in your energetical body, even coming from other lives, and therefore release that contraction.
This is a wonderful tool, very deep. Once you have learnt to rebirth youself there's no end to how deep you can go to solve inner tensions. IMO, it is a work that matches very well the similar work of hatha yoga, were there is no end to the beautiful release and relief you can give to your body/mind at all levels.
There is plenty of information on the net on rebirthing, look for names like Leonard Orr, Sondra Ray, Stanislav Grof, Jim Leonard, Dan Brule' (he has a very deep understanding of the power of breath as seen from many spritual traditions and practices, besides the tradition of rebirthing. I was about to go to a course of him this week but it didn't happen)

And last but not least, I'm discovering in these days the work of Abraham-Hicks and I'm thrilled. So simple and so impeccable.
Lapis has a whole blog on the law of attraction. I recommend you read everything you find of Abraham-Hicks, I thought i knew what the LOA was about until I read something of Abraham, and there I saw that the understanding could be much much deeper.

This is all I have used so far. I'm also using recently affirmations (never done before) and they also work fine. You must understand that negative emotions are always imbedded in a belief, which is a habit of thought. Changing your thoughts changes your emotions. Like this you approach the blockage from the mind body instead from the emotional body and you get anyway splendid results, if you work steadily on a certain direction.

Good luck, it is a wonderful journey. You know the feeling of taking a bath after some days where you couldn't wash? that's the feeling: awesome!


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