Another observation
I have had problems breathing in the past when the wife or daughter sit or work near my rebounder or elliptical machine while I am working out; when I am not working out as well. Sometimes I cough a little and have very minor sinus irritation. I have always chocked it up to their perfume, deodorant, soaps, dryer sheets (used to dry their clothing) or starch used in ironing their clothing.
This morning however, my wife walked by and my throat almost immediately began closing up... I kept it open by coughing and continually clearing my throat for a few minutes after which it cleared up, but that was a little frightening.
She said she put on some "new" lotion. She knows I have problems with this stuff and apologized (but she will not stop using it).
As I get cleaner and more balanced do I have more of these types of reactions to look forward to? bummer :-\