Perhaps true essential oils, that have been properly made, would affect you more positively, Grzbear.
My best experiences have been with Young Living Essential Oils. That's where I got my 'education' (such as it is) in this field.
Attend a talk by one of their experts if you can.
Or you could seek the advice of a few aromatherapists. Best to avoid the chain stores, at least at first, I think.
You are looking for 'therapeutic quality', to see if those aromas suit you better than the scents you are now experiencing.
It takes about 20 years to become a 'nose', I read. A 'nose' is a person who has been carefully trained to notice the components and qualities of scents.
There are about 200 'noses' in the world today; about 150 of them are employed in the perfume industry.
Wouldn't it be nice if your wife explored this subject with you? You both seem to be interested.
My best,