Re: acidophilus side effect? help!
I checked out the
parasite cleanse and the
Colon Cleanse products from The Life Tree, and to be honest, I'm not that impressed at all (especially with the prices, which seem very high for what you're getting). Please understand, I'm an 'old-timer' at this, and so my thoughts and opinions of various products come along with a LOT of experience and knowledge that many people haven't yet had the time or chance to acquire --so sometimes my opinions sound a bit harsh and/or
Firstly, I don't think either product will harm you, but I sincerely doubt the
Colon Cleanse product will be nearly as effective as many others on the market (or those you could make yourself). If you'll read through several posts here:
you'll easily see why.
Colon Cleanse product (ingredients-dosage pasted after everything else, below) has only a tiny bit of Psyllium and Turkey Rhubarb per capsule, and they recommend starting with only one capsule daily. Right above that, I've pasted the standard protocol for the age-old standard *P&B shake* colon cleanse protocol --and as you can see, this protocol calls for several teaspoons/tablespoons of psyllium/fiber daily!
Turkey Rhubarb IS an effective cathartic herb (one that 'makes you go'), but when you're doing ANY type of colon cleanse, you need to be having a MINIMUM of 3 bowel movements daily, and one or two little capsules with a tiny bit of Turkey Rhubarb probably isn't going to make that happen --especially if you're already constipated and having one bowel movement a day or less.
Another example is
Dr. Schulze s IF#2 (which is psyllium,
Bentonite and MANY colon cleanse supporting herbs) taken in doses of which you take 1 heaping teaspoon full (or 6 capsules) 5-6 times daily! Here's a link to his colon-cleansing protocol, which also involves taking his IF#1, which is an extremely effective blend of cathartic herbs:
Also note: you MUST drink at least 1/2 your body weight converted to
ounces daily when doing ANY fiber type cleanse PLUS an additional 8-12
ounces of water for EVERY DOSE of whatever it is you're taking. (so if you weight 150, divide that by 2 = 75, so 75
ounces of water daily PLUS 8-12 ounces of water for every dose of fiber taken).
There's really no exception to this rule.
The other thing that I don't care for about The Life Tree product is that it contains NO
Bentonite Clay or Activated charcoal for soaking up and removing toxins. When doing a colon cleanse AND a
parasite cleanse at the same time (IF the products are effective), you're almost guaranteed to release a ton of toxins...and with no
Bentonite Clay or Activated charcoal to soak them up and be eliminated through your bowel movements...they're going to absorb right back into your bloodstream/body, and end up right back where they were (and more than likely you'll feel like crap while that's happening).
So all in all, I doubt The Life Tree product is going to be as effective as you'd like. HOWEVER, I saw several testimonies from folks it DID help quite a bit. Each of our bodies are totally different and we all respond differently -- so I can't say anything for sure until you've tried it. Personally, I'd cancel the order or try to get my money back, and go with something that seems like it would be more effective.
Another REALLY good product is Okra-Pepsin-E3 (which would DEFINITELY be more effective than The Life Tree) --you can read about here: and here:
It sells for around $38 for 150 capsules
As far as the
parasite cleanse, it looks a LOT better! They leave out the
Wormwood (which is very effective), but that's okay because they add lots of other 'goodies' to kill the critters. But again, I would NEVER do a parasite cleanse OR a colon cleanse without something in it to soak up/neutralize and expel the toxins. Because when those bugs die, they definitely create toxins -- and you don't want toxins floating around in your body/bloodstream if you can help it. And you CAN help it :)
One of the HUGEST reasons people give natural health/healing a try and then give it up, is that the first few times they try anything, they end up feeling terrible. And almost always that's just because they choose products that 'do the job', but don't have something in them to neutralize and absorb all the toxins that are being released. So please don't let yourself fall into that trap/pattern. Also, take your time (and great care) to research thoroughly before buying/using a product. I can be EXTREMELY frustrating (not to mention depressing) to go through two-weeks+ worth of cleansing, only to find out that the product didn't do 'didly' and now you're going to have to do it all again. Yuck.
I can tell you're going to do great with whatever product you choose. Just always remember - it took years (if not decades) to get your body in this condition, and there's no 'magic pill' or 'quick fix' that's going to put things back to rights in just a few weeks. (I've been colon cleansing for YEARS, and I still get junk out of me when I do maintenance cleanses). But, I also drink well over a gallon of pure water daily and eat a 75%+ raw diet, so I've eliminated all acid reflux and heartburn a long time ago (but I used to live on Rolaids & dad still does).
As far as the liver cleansing, I'm a stickler for not doing a liver cleanse until you have accomplished 2-3 bowel movements daily. BUT, my husband started
Liver Flushing when he only had 1 bm daily naturally, and used
Dr. Schulze s IF#1 capsules to make sure he had 2-3 bowels movements daily for several days before/after his flushes. Bile from the liver DOES cause the colon to squeeze, so there are those that feel
Liver Flushing helps with elimination (and it definitely does) - but it always releases VERY strong toxins mixed with the bile, and anything mixed with bile will absorb through the lining of your intestinal walls faster than anything else. On this issue, I feel it's really necessary to listen to your own 'doctor within'. If you feel vibrant, healthy and energized while cleansing, then do a
Liver Flush if you feel like it. But if you're feeling toxic and weak during other cleansing, I wouldn't add a
Liver Flush on top of it (if it were me, anyway).
Again, let me know if there's any more information I can offer. I'm very busy, so I'm not the fastest at getting replies posted, but I will help you whenever I can.
Psyllium and bentonite is one of the simplest and most effective ways to cleanse the digestive system.
Liquid bentonite should be used...or powdered bentonite should be hydrated to a semi-pourable yogurt consistency prior to using it. Mix 1 Tablespoon of liquid bentonite and 1 teaspoon of powdered psyllium (or 1 Tablespoon if using whole husk psyllium) with 8-10oz of water or diluted juice, shake and drink immediately. Follow this with another 8-10oz glass of water. This is in addition to daily water intake of half your body weight in ounces. Sufficient water is a key to success with this cleanse!
Psyllium and bentonite shakes should be taken at least one hour before or after taking any supplements, herbs, medications, etc.
*The shakes MUST be taken on an empty least one hour away from food on either side. First thing in the morning, last thing at night are easy. Then one or 2 in the afternoon after lunch and before dinner - T*
Start with one shake a day and gradually increase as the body adjusts to the additional fiber. It may take 3-5 shakes a day and/or several weeks before you start passing mucoid plaque. Continue taking the shakes as long as mucoid plaque is being eliminated for up to 6 months. Additional cleanses may be necessary in order to thoroughly cleanse the digestive system and can be performed for a few months at a time. Each cleanse should be followed with the use of a good-quality probiotic to replace beneficial bacteria. Maintenance cleanses should be done 2-4 times per year.
If constipation should occur while doing this cleanse, 1) increase daily water intake, 2) use enemas or
colonics to clear out released material and get things moving again, and 3) cut back on the shakes or stop the cleanse until the bowels are moving regularly again.
This cleanse can be combined with
The Master Cleanse and parasite cleanse...this is called the Ultimate Fast. It can also be done with juice fasting.
This cleanse can also be performed while eating a normal diet. However, the 'cleaner' the diet is, the better the results will be. Reduce or eliminate meats, dairy, flours, sugars, processed foods, toxic exposures of all types...anything that is mucoid-forming. The diet should include lots of fresh vegetables and fruits (if tolerated), fresh juices, salads, soups, etc. Liquid minerals including trace minerals and electrolytes are beneficial for creating an alkaline state in the body and can improve the results of the cleanse.
Two good sources for cleansing products include Yerba Prima (Great Plaines Detox liquid bentonite) and Sonne's (#7 Detoxificant liquid bentonite)...both companies also carry psyllium.
Dry skin brushing is a great addition to a Colon Cleanse cleans the skin and also circulates and cleanses the lymph, aiding in the elimination process. A natural bristle sisal or tampico brush is used...brush all areas of the skin (except face and any sensitive areas) with long strokes towards the heart prior to shower or bath. The brush and skin are both dry when brushing is performed.
Psyllium and bentonite can help to eliminate
parasites and candida, but each of these conditions requires additional measures to address it completely. A parasite cleanse can be performed with the colon cleanse or immediately after. Liver/gallbladder cleansing is also beneficial following a thorough colon cleansing.
Above all close attention to how your body responds and honor what it needs!
The Life Tree
Inner Purity (Parasite) $67.95 for 90 capsules
How to take the product:
* If you are not experiencing 2-3 bowel movements per day, take the InnerClarity product until you are eliminating regularly before taking InnerPurity.
* To start, take 1 capsule per day for the initial five days. Then increase to 2or 3 capsules per day for the next 90 days, or as needed.
* InnerPurity is best taken when you first wake up in the morning (although it can be taken anytime) on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. For optimum results, do not eat for at least one hour after taking InnerPurity.
* Pregnant women should not use InnerPurity. Always consult a health practitioner before usage with children.
Green Hull
Ancient uses include the oxygenation of the blood to assist in the removal of
parasites from the body. The brown stain found in the green husk contains organic
Iodine which has antiseptic and healing properties. It is also used to balance
Sugar levels and burn up excessive toxins and fatty material.
This herb contain one of the most powerful germicidal agents in the herb kingdom. It is an effective stimulant and aromatic for the lungs and stomach. It helps expel microbials and to increase blood circulation and to promote digestion and nutrition.
Pumpkin Seed
The seeds from the pumpkin have for a long time been known to contain very effective anti-parasitic properties. In fact, Native Americans were known to have chewed on pumpkin seeds as an aid in de-worming.
Gentian Root
Gentiana lutea roots and the underground stem has been used to help stimulate circulation, strengthen the circulatory system, and strengthen the muscles of the digestive organs. It is also good for convalescence, especially in the cases of extreme weakness, and is excellent in the assistance of ridding the body of parasites.
This semi-evergreen shrub contains an essential hormonal oil to help build resistance to infectious disease along with its anti-parasitic properties. It has been used for poor digestion, breast and lung problems, coughs due to colds, nose and throat infections, and has proven useful for clearing up mucous congestion in the intestines.
Black Seed
This herb has traditionally been used for thousands of years in the Middle East, Far East and Asia as an herbal health aid. It has so many diverse medicinal properties including anti-parasitic activity. It is used frequently as an antibacterial, anti-fungal and anthelminthic (parasitic infestation fighter) and has an immune-enhancing effect of the human T-cell production which helps to balance and stabilize the immune system.
Cramp Bark
This deciduous, thicket-forming shrub is considered one of the best natural remedies for regulating female disorders in addition to its anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. It also performs well as well a sedative and antispasmodic, reducing muscle cramps and intestinal spasms.
Peppermint Leaf
During its several thousand years of consistent use by diverse populations, peppermint leaf preparations have been used in both eastern and western cultures to support the gastrointestinal tract and the biliary duct digestive functions. in addition, peppermint leaf has powerful anti-parastic properties.
Thyme Leaf
Thyme is a powerful antiseptic and tonic with curative powers. It has been used by many cultures to alleviate anemia, bronchial and intestinal problems. It acts as an antiseptic and is reported to assist in the removal of fungal infections, skin parasites, and abdominal worms.
Acts as appetite suppressant and diuretic and helps to stabilize the nervous system and expel waste material from the body. This herb has a history of improving digestion and promoting lactation as well as aiding in the remedy of abdominal cramps, female disorders, gas, intestinal problems, nervous disorders, pinworms, and parasitic microbials.
Grapefruit Seed
Grapefruit seed has a proven track record in the laboratory and with thousands of users as a powerful and non-toxic germicidal agent of broad spectrum application. It is a natural alternative to strong
Antibiotics . It exhibits significant anti-microbial activity and helps the human body resist bacteria, viruses,
parasites and fungi.
49.95 for 90 capsules
How to use InnerClarity:
* Initially take 1 capsule daily, with 1 to 2 glasses of water.
* The amount required may vary considerably from individual to individual. Ideally you should have at least two bowel movements daily. Periodically you may need to temporarily alter the number of capsules to achieve this. If required, increase your amount every few days until you achieve the desired results.
* Take before bedtime or one hour after a meal.
* InnerClarity can also be used by making it into a tea. Empty one capsule into pre-heated water and let stand for 1-2 minutes. Add honey to taste if you find it too bitter and a sweetener is desired.
* You'll find that as your bowels get stronger you will need to use less over time.
* If on medication, take it 3 or 4 hours before or after taking the medication.
* As with any cleanse, be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.
Blonde Psyllium Seed Husk
Used as an excellent colon and intestine cleanser, removing toxins which cause auto-intoxication and restoring tone to the mucous membranes of the intestines. Rich in soluble fiber, psyllium seeds and their husks have long been enlisted to ease constipation and digestive system upset. During the Middle Ages, Arab physicians regularly recommended a formula for constipation that included psyllium as a principal ingredient.
Rhubarb Root
Used commonly to relieve constipation, diarrhea, and to expel fecal matter that has accumulated in the intestines. Rhubarb is also beneficial in traditional treatment of anemia, colitis, digestive problems, and headaches.
Fennel Seed
Acts as appetite suppressant and diuretic and helps to stabilize the nervous system and expel waste material from the body. This herb has a history of improving digestion and promoting lactation as well as aiding in the remedy of abdominal cramps, female disorders, gas, intestinal problems, nervous disorders, pinworms, and spasms.
Cornsilk (the stigmas from the female flowers of corn) is used for bladder problems, and physicians have used it as a diuretic and for conditions of cystitis. It has a powerful colon cleansing assistant, in addition to having a cleansing effect on the circulation of urea. It is also valuable in the treatment of renal and cystic inflammation.
King Solomon Seal
King Solomon Seed (Seal) is one of the most powerful anti oxidants in the herbal kingdom. It is a superior rejuvenate and aphrodisiac, as well as a demulcent and expectorant. A vital ingredient within an effective colon cleanser formula; King Solomon Seal works on all tissue elements, but most notably the blood, bones, and the reproductive and digestive systems.
This sea herb has been established to aid in the control of the thyroid and to assist regulate metabolism associated with proper food digestion. It is reputed to help sustain the nervous system and to promote proper brain function, adrenal gland function, arterial and colon cleansing.
Guar Gum
Guar Gum is a source of soluble dietary fiber derived from the Guar Bean. An annual summer legume native to India and Pakistan, guar bean has historically been used to maintain already healthy blood
Sugar levels and to control appetite.