Re: Is cayenne really safe in large amounts
Yes, it's funny that MH talks about cayenne causing a shorter life span and yet sells "SPICE 4 LIFE." That doesn't make much sense now.
Maybe if you want to know about cayenne causing too much of an acid state in the body, you should Ask: Moreless or another acid/alkaline forum.
I've been trying to up my dosage of cayenne, but one capsule with 40,000 heat units seems to really upset my stomach. I can take a tbls. of spice4life no problem though. I've been adding it in some recipes lately too.
I remember reading
Herbert Shelton saying that spices are very aggravating to the system and are best not consumed.
The irritation caused by mustard, pepper, pepper-sauce, horseradish, cayenne, capsicum, and other hot and exciting substances, due to highly poisonous essential oils, which, in the pure state, quickly produce blisters upon the skin, and which in condiments when taken internally, exert their irritating effect upon the more delicate membranes of the digestive tract, excite the stomach to increased action in certain respects, but lessen the secretion of gastric juice and, later, decrease activity of the stomach. Mint and thyme lessen the activity of the stomach and diminish secretion. These substances "act" upon the digestive organs as a lash but the spasms they induce do not accelerate digestion. Their irritation, though temporarily increasing the tone of the mouth and throat "burn" like a coal of fire. If pepper is taken by the non-user its burning may be felt in the stomach. It may even result in diarrhea. When it passes out with the stools on the same or the following day the non-user experiences the same irritation and burning in the rectum that he experienced in the mouth and throat when he ate the pepper. If it is habitually employed nature is compelled to thicken and harden the membranes of mouth, throat, stomach, intestine and colon to protect these against its influence.