I had a very similar experience with long term steroid use on my face growing up. just last year i radically changed my diet, did 21 liver flushes, kidney cleanses, colon cleanses... the whole deal. afterwards, my body started to heal areas that it probably had given up on before, including around my eyes where the skin was thin and plasticy as a result of the steroids. loads of pus and gunk came out of my eyes, all around my eyes broke out in horrible eczema... but this time, i recognized it for what it was, a healing reaction, and didn't run for the drugs.
it has taken almost a year, but my old skin is almost back. i tried many things, but what helped most (besides diet and cleansing) was jason aloe cream, with a bit of sweet almond oil. it took a long time, but recovering from steroid damage does take time.