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Elecon (Steroid) ruined skin..for Aunty
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Elecon (Steroid) ruined skin..for Aunty

Hi Aunty..(And to anyone who has advice)..

I have read your previous reesponses to members' issues and concerns, andI have found it very very helpful for myself.. I now know the vitamins I am deficient in and plan to make some serious changes..

I have had exzema since I was very young and I am now 25. I actually had it for years before it was officialy diagnosed because at the time it wasn't as common I guess. Before I believe it was known as a "no no" to apply topical steroids to the skin I was given Elecon for my severe breakouts. While I was told to use it sparingly, at a young age I didn't know to not use it on my face.

Betweeen the ages of 19 and 22 I moved to Bermuda where I suffered a few breakouts but not too many at all. To remedy them ofcourse I used elecon. I moved back to NYC where I am currently residing and I had immediate flare-ups in my skin.. I attributed it to the change in environment and went to see a doctor. She prescribed an experimental medicine which only made it worse. I later went to a dermatologist who said I had Rosacea, because i had broken blood vessels on my face.. I used his medicine along with protopic that he prescribed which also did not work.

I started to use products form Origin which just cleared up my face...I no longer use any type of medication when I breakout. Right now I am doing a Master Cleanse, after which I intend to do a Liver Cleanse, followed by a healthy hopefully Raw Food Diet...

I am currently 21 days strong on the Master cleanse, and my skin does look relatively better... what I have noticed over the psat couple of years is that as a result to the over usage of elecon, my skin has thinned, and I miss my supple, elastic skin. I feel at my age my skin should be in a better condition and I was wondering aside from what I am deciding to do in terms of diet if there are any other steps I can take to "reverse" the effects of that medicine...

I appreciate any advice, and I apologize if my story seemed too lengthy just wanted to give you background.

Thanks so Much!!


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