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Damn it over one f******* year the Sh**-ness remains victorious
MX3 Views: 7,287
Published: 21 y
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Damn it over one f******* year the Sh**-ness remains victorious

You all might want to look for Information on these problems

H. Pylori bacterial infection ( Helicobacter pylori )

the INsanity Begins

Have you ever had someone tell a large group of people that your a gay and that the reason why you smell because you have Lots of Anal sex which does something to your anus to the point where you can hold your bowel well it happen to me and I'am not even gay at all, never ever will be
Dudes I feel the pain you poor bastards have to go through in your daily life

In every way I'm like you all in fact I' am all of you.
I read what you guys posted from not knowing what the hell is causing the odor, to being disrespected by idiots who have no clue, from doctors believing that your insane, from the stupid who won't be honnest and let you know that you have a problem, how about going to school everyday trying not to lose it, and for last people thinking that your poor, or that you don't bathe or something it's fustrating.

I tried Everything from combinations of cleansing products, experiments, and trying o produce stuff to reduce, or eliminate the f**king Odor but no THE HOLY S***-NESS remains

Like some of you I had a Highly active social life, and man it was bliss but not that I care anyways

But there are lots of advantages you gain from the problem
like 1. HAving time to your self just get away from the world and Relax
2. Learning how people thinks
3. Learning how the world Truely works
4. and Last becoming One of the MAny ( Insane )

You all should prepare to live with the odor intil the day you all die
I fear it might cause cancer or something



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