I don't mind sharing my tea recipe. I saw/ continue to see dead
parasites in my BMs - I didn't have any parasitic symptoms, I just figured if the percentages were for real then I should see for myself.
I bought my
Black-Walnut Hull Powder at - it was around 4.00 and I bought the rest at Hy Vee. I just put another order in, though, and am buying the fennel seeds, whole cloves, and others through them.
Here's what I cooked up:
1 Tbs. Fennel Seeds whole
10 dried cranberries (for flavor only)
2 Tbs
Black-Walnut Hull Powder
1 Tbs Cloves whole
oz water
2 tsp. honey to sweeten
I just heat 4
oz. water and make a homemade pouch of all the herbs using a coffee filter and some string to tie it closed. I let the bag sit in the hot water until it's dark colored, take bag out, add honey, and dilute with water if needed.
I took this around 2pm and got results in am. These ingredients did not cause a laxative effect at all, in fact, the "results" were of clay consistency and normal feeling.
I can't say getting rid of
parasites improved my health - but, probably improved my chances to remain healthy. I'm drinking this once a day, for at least 20 consecutive days.