This continuous whining is really getting old people ! Why such fragile egos continue to take the spotlight here and bath in thier over reactive sensitivity to being corrected when wrong is beyond me!
This is an alternative health site, Moreless teaches a protocal that is as anti conventioanl as any, with a constant barrage of people continuously challeging one man ! Im suprised he even puts up with this disrespect for as long as he has.
Why would a man try to teach a whole group of people who beleive they are all experts and know all the answers anything at all?
I said from the beginning that he will be chased off by the constant bashing by all the wanna bee gurus here at Curezone and it seems the agenda is still in full tilt!
Im glad Moreless is a little more thick skinned then his opponents and I hope he outlasts these continuous whiners!