Take a deep breath.
From all what I found (and I would really love to be corrected) amongst all these people there was literally more or less NOBODY who brought the stones to a lab to get them analyzed nor put them under a microscope (maybe for pure curiosity reasons). #68417
1. There’s no need.
2. Why spend the money?
3. Why sort though “crap” to locate a “hard” stone for analysis?
(I used a plastic one buck colander one time, too messy)
(An “unread” person would take a “soft green stone” to be analyzed, which will indeed be deemed “NOT A STONE”.)
All together now….”Duh!”
4. I’ve had my anus abraded enough times (shows blood) to “know” that “hard” material has been passed.
The method for analyzing cholesterol in gall stones was developed in the late fifties of the last century and improved ten years later. In other words: This analysis cannot be a very sophisticated method. #68417
I can tell you how easy it can be.
Squish all your “stones”. When you find one you can’t crush with your fingers, you have a real “stone”.
However, this method may eliminate a few “real” stones. No biggie.
This question is insofar relevant because the main Liver-Flush effect could theoretically be a heavy elimination of toxins that are blown out of the body by means of Epsom Salt and olive oil. This in itself would very well explain the fantastic health improvements. #68417
Excellent. This is indeed a good way to think of it.
I’ll elaborate with my own speculations:
1. A “healthy” person should be able to handle at least 1 cup of oil without nausea, pain, discomfort or acid reflux.
2. People who have been on “low fat” diets have reduced bile flow so much they have harmed themselves further.
3. The LF’s increase bile flow, reduce congestion (stones or debris) and strengthen the muscles used in the flushing process.
One or all may be part of a person’s problem.
But if Liver-Flush acts merely as an eliminator for toxins from the body there are easier and faster methods that take only about six hours, do not interfere with a weekend activity, and cost also next to nothing. #68417
Such as?
But really I agree, IF, the person doesn’t have stones too large to pass if not using ES in whatever protocol you’re talking about.
I did a half dozen of the 2 egg yoke flushes. Very nice.
Did I get stones? No.
Did it work? Yes, as far as I’m concerned.
The narrow soft serve delivered out my butt, was tinged in green and even though there was no “force” coming out, the entire anus ring bled very lightly.
Indicating that “hard” congestive material was released.
Furthermore I was puzzled to learn from the Liver Flush survey how small the proportion of people is that expelled HARD stones. HARD stones or semicalcified stones would at least for me be the proof that "real stones" came out. #68417
You are merely “hung-up” on the idea that “only” hard stones are the problem.
Rather than, congestion, lack of bile flow, weak reflex action.
I am tense to hear your opinions. #68417
Learn to take deep breaths.
Your Humble Servant,
Gracefully Savage