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The HCL/Candida connection
Tyler Durden Views: 12,138
Published: 19 y

The HCL/Candida connection

For the folks using [Betaine] HCL supps- how are things going with you? I am currently using HCL + papain enzyme (super papaya enzyme plus) with meals and just began the Moreless alkalizing drink 2x a day. I wanted to point out that the candida-cured Karen Tripp's doctor had a similar point of view to what is currently being talked about on the forum with low stomach acid playing a part. His web page on the subject is

On this page is the following: "Another problem many people with candida have is not enough stomach acid to keep the candida from recurring as soon as they go back to a regular diet. Also without sufficient stomach acid you do not digest protein or calcium sufficiently. Calcium helps muscles relax so they are not so tense. Tense muscles may make getting a restful sleep more difficult. If you have these problems you may need: Parathyroid support - the parathyroid helps in the absorption of calcium and helps regulate stomach acid production. Betaine Hydrochloride - until the parathyroid kick in sufficiently to take over the production of stomach acid. Preacidified calcium (liquid) - use liquid calcium citrate until digestion and absorption is improved then maintain with a tablet form of calcium & magnesium (preferably in the citrate form) from a health food store.
Or Calcium and Magnesium oratate"

Notice the bit about Betaine HCL. According to this approach, the lack of calcium uptake causes the HCL deficiency, thus impaired digestion, and if this condition is present *it won't matter if the person takes antifungals*- Candida symptoms will persist anyway. So it's necessary to address the HCL issue if it's a factor, before antifungals like the ones he recommends e.g. SF722, grapefruit seed extract will be effective.

Given the general lack of success with the strictly-antifungal approach, and more importantly the lack of evidence connecting the symptoms from which many of us suffer with a purely fungal infection (the Candida "spit test" is pretty weak), IMO we're well within reason to think outside the box here. At the moment I'm thinking this is a possibility-

Body in an acid state -> calcium malabsorbtion -> HCL under-production -> insufficient digestion -> food intake feeds anaerobic bacteria/yeast and undernourishes body, perpetuates the vicious cycle

However what with the very high commonality of Antibiotic usage amongst candidiasis sufferers, it's very likely that Antibiotics fit into the equation somewhere as either triggering or contributing to the process. Either way the calcium uptake is a factor here at least according to Karen Tripp's naturopathic doc hence the parathyroid support to improve this- but perhaps the calcium hydroxide/lime water in the Moreless alkalizing drink could help with this? Perhaps that's why some folks have reported solid improvement in their symptoms after using it for a few weeks? Of course if one takes into account all the literature on alkalizing, the body in a slightly alkaline state should have an improved immune system and generally be inhospitable to invaders. Thoughts?


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