i have been suffering with candida over-growth, adrenal fatigue, thyroiditis, pain in many joints, mental & physical complete exhaustion, sinus allergies, many times over, couldn't think anymore, couldn't get out of bed & i felt as if i was slowly dying, for over 7-1/2yrs.........i couldn't seem to lose weight, only gain, my blood glucose' were to the point, that no matter what i ate or drank, my glucose went up......i could drink a cup of green tea with nothing but stevia in it & my blood sugars would go up & not come down for many hours......the dr just just confirmed, that i had type 2 diabetes.......and on top of all this, my stomach was so bad that sometimes i thru up the only meal i could get down my throat & not be able to eat for over 18hrs........i had no appetite & nothing tasted good anymore.....this had gone on for 5yrs........it ALWAYS felt awful & much worse after eating........i also had daily diarrhea for those same 5yrs, it makes ur life miserable cause it's tough to leave the house.........i suffered from migraines............and i did just about everything that was suggested.......i would get a little relief from some of the things i tried, but nothing got me where i needed to go.....i found a really good dr 14mos ago & have many tests i've never even heard of & had managed not to get sick anymore, thank gawd, cause the next one would have landed me in the hospital with the dr's scratching their heads trying to figure out just what anti-biotic they could give me, cause they all made me sick, horribly sick........and everything was so very hard to do, i not only felt like i was dying, i wanted to, cause if this was the way it was going to be, i couldn't take anymore.......i had taken betaine hydrochloride for 8mos, it helped a "tiny bit", i took ginger & many things i can't think of now..........then a little more than 3mos ago, i was looking for something on the net & ran across a medical article that had it's base in very old medical science........it talked about hydrochloric acid, & here i mean the liquid kind........i've had it in the house for over 30yrs, i read an article 30yrs ago written by a dentist who said that if u r troubled by cold sores, u take about 10drops of a 10% solution of HCl.....at that time i was really troubled with them.........at that time i was able to fine 3oz of the stuff & by george it worked like magic, every single time!!... it took me more than 10drops, but i found what worked for me.........well, when my family & i almost ran out of it, i had to find a way to get it & there was only from a chemical company i had worked with before......i had to learn how to mix the right amount & how to handle it right........well, during reading the article, i thought, gee i have the stuff in the kitchen.......i was a little afraid, cause of everything i'd been going thru & my stomach was so awful all the time, so i figured that i have baking soda in the kitchen too, & it would neutralize it if it bothered me........so i got up & went to the kitchen, just a few drops & went back to the computer to read on.........well, it was about 15mins later & i noticed my stomach was so much better & then i realized i could read the article without stopping to rest my mind......this was a medical article that was not easy reading........these kinds of things can b a problem cause it really takes concentration, especially if u was to understand it, and i did, very much........well, i thought that if it only cures my stomach, i would b eternally greatfull........so i decided that i would take it when i ate or drank anything.......& since then everything has gotten so much better.......i want to get out of bed every morning, i can think again, i am taking less vitamins, cause i am absorbing the ones i take so much better.......my joints don't hurt anymore........my migraines are a thing of the past, i still get headaches sometimes, but i believe they are part of the detoxing i am doing on a continuing basis..........my sinus' not longer bother me, no more allergy attacks 7 i'm pretty sure the candida is on it's way out........i use to need at least 9 to 10hrs of sleep, i am now getting about 7hrs of really solid restful sleep & i feel so good.........i am getting my house really clean for the firs time in over 7yrs & enjoying it........i saw my daughter yesterday, we haven't seen each other in over 2-1/2mos & she asked me what i was oing cause my skin is so good, clear & of a rosy hue, i look so healthy & she said i looked younger.......what a nice compliment.............NOW, THOSE OF U IN THE MEDICAL FIELD, don't have a cow.........the info is out there & has been for over 70yrs & some before that, only the medical dr's don't get taught this stuff, they only know how to grab the Rx pad & give u something that is foreign to ur body.......after all, if u think about it, we r never deficient in
Antibiotics , acid suppressors, or migraine meds, or anti-inflammatories..... think about it.........all those Rx's are for treating the symptoms, not getting at the root cause.......and after all, if we got well, we wouldn't need them or the dr's, now would we??.......and so many of those Rx just make us worse & aot of the time, our stomachs, too.........now, i need to tell u, that sometimes i have a day where i don't feel so well & i think it's the detoxing going on, but even on those days, it's still way better than any of my previously good days & when i wake up the next morning, i feel better than i did before the day that isn't great......but even with those days, i can still do what i need to do, work on the computer, clean & get so many things done......i have had to increase my electrolytes, i think the HCl helps to balance & heal things & it's helps, too......and hey, i've lost 10-1/2lbs without even trying.....i still have a long way to go, i didn't get to this place over night, so i understand, but at least i can find the light at the end of the tunnel, before i couldn't even find the tunnel.......my doctor knows all about it & is very interested in what is happening to me, because he had a time helping me, too......just a note here, HCl is anti-bacterial........it stops those waste acids from collecting in our joints & gets rid of them, it stops inflammation, stops allergies, kills candida, alkalizes ur blood, by getting all of the minerals into solution, improves circulation to every part of ur body, increases oxygen thru-out all of ur systems & kills bacteria on contact......my kidneys & liver were very congested & now they r fine........what's not to love........there is much more to this story & i assume there will b questions.........i will try to follow up on this, only i'm not sure where to find it on this website..........hope it helps someone, i doubt i am the only one who is in such misery..........considering how many website r out there about just this thing........it's a horrible way to go........