Re: I feel down after my first liver flush...
Almost any kind of cleanse can trigger strong emotions. I have had bouts of depression with both liver cleansing and colon cleansing. Once, on my second Master Cleanse, I became almost suicidal, my depression was so profound and everything seemed utterly hopeless. Before I turned to natural healing I had been prescribed anti-depressants twice. At first I felt good-normal. But gradually it seemed like the medication took over and I felt like a zombie. It was if my conscious self was split from my medicated self. I hated the feeling, and got off the medications. In cleansing I can't help but wonder if I dredged up some old toxic emotions, or emotions that the medication somehow buried in my system.
One of the best ways to overcome depression is to throughly cleanse your bowel. Seratonin, which is a powerful mood regulator is produced in the colon. A colon that is poorly functioning, clogged and choked with old toxic matter will not be able to get this vital neurotransmitter in circulation. Please consider a good colon cleanse. Some people swear by herbal cleansers like the ones sold by Barefoot, Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze. Others prefer the magnesium based cleansers. Some people do well on fiber cleansers, while others become worse. You will need to determine what will work best for your needs. Whatever you chose, you may find that a clean colon will change your life.
A clogged liver, hormonal imbalances, parasites and a clogged colon can all affect your emotional state. Take things slow enough to know what you can and cannot tolerate, but consider doing a whole body cleanse. Also, make a point to get some sunshine everyday, do some sort of outdoor activity and practice deep breathing of fresh air. These simple things can help give you a whole new outlook on life.
Remember, all these cleanses do not "cure" you of anything. What they do is allow your body to becomes balanced as nature intended and when that happens, your body will become self healing.