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Re: I feel down after my first liver flush...
plzchuckle Views: 2,816
Published: 19 y
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Re: I feel down after my first liver flush...

This self-experimenter can tell you that since my babies were born 30+ yrs ago, I hadn't had a good nights sleep more than 1 night every few months. Cleansing and eating right, I sleep all night, most nights now. The fatigue, stiffness and soreness is almost totally gone!

The first suppliment that I bought when I started this quest was GCG from Julia Chang. She's like Brenda, she'll talk on the phone until you've got your answers. When I started flushing, I was passing stones that were as large as 50cents pieces. Since taking the GCG I haven't seen anything larger than 1/2 that size. Once I had a flush that just STOPPED midflush. 24 hours later, a dull ache told me something had gotten stuck. I am single and support my mother, I HAVE TO GO TO WORK EVERY DAY! I'd decided I would do another flush the following weekend. My flush schedule is generally Fri nite/Saturday, I knew I was in "trouble" on Sunday evening. I did work on Monday/10 hrs! I was one miserable lady! On Tues morning, I sat here before work and suddenly heard the distict sould of liver flushing and knew to be heading for the bathroom. With no flush efforts at all, I was again in a state of liver flushing. That morning I passed 2 large-grape sized stones and what would be about a double handful of black "sand." I believe that the GCG that I'd been on for about 2 months on a daily basis caused the clump to break up and come out on it's on.


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