If I am interperting your post correctly you are saying that reincarnation can take any form from the spirit essence, like into a plant or animal kingdom, I agree but I think for the sake of clarity most people are specifically talking about experiences of reincarnating into a different "human' body not because they are attached to being a somebody but for interest and understanding how that plays into their walk in this life, remembering when I was a rose can serve me in certain situations just the same but remembering what it was like to be in a battle field of men dying around me can serve me better in most situations with human beings. I don't know that it is necessarily an attachment And naturally everything is a part of the whole. = ) I guess I'm not sure what your post is suppose to convey as it seems kind of negative but as I said it could be my interpertation. = )
As for reincarnating into human form I have thought some people do get overly attached to who they were, always some glamorous role in life, that to me is phoney.