As far as why I think it was an accidental cure is because the holoistic doctor did not think I had a candida issue. Sure I made the moves to find a cure but I would never of typed in How to Kill candida if I hadnt had the results that the Oregano and yeast defend pills gave . I have done acidopholis in the past but never got better with it alone.. I believe now that its a two step effort to regain balance. First you have to kill the bad. If you take good bacteria while trying to kill the bad all your going to do is create a larger dieoff situation. And you wont know if your killing good or bad bacteria. Sure to kill bad there is no way not to kill good also but what your tring to do is rid yourself of the overabundance of bad only. If you stay on this track then when you illiminate enough of the bad then you can introduce good with better results. As far as my protocol now I have not taken anything in 3 years. Once i think i did get a little food poisoning so I bought some more Primal Defense just to be safe because I had literally drained my body if you know what I mean. I know some of the people in the past on this site found it hard to believe that I had won this battle but the time has passed and i still am allergy free and can eat anything i want. I know everyone here isnt looking to feel better but when in fact what their really looking for is tried and proven methods to cure themselves. It almost sounds like my method was so easy it cant work but for me it did. For me it was like a miracle. Also it wasnt like I only had issues for a short time. I started having food reactions in 93. 5 years later was when I was able to Identify with what i had and then it took another five years to find a cure. So to the one that stated i must not of been that bad, in a sense you may be right compared to other people but to someone that has never had an ailment. Never been to a doctor other than for injurys and has always been athleticly inclined so to me this was a life altering situation. So here I leave you to ponder your next questions. I also read about some of you have these graffic photos so I have no Idea if I was ever that bad. I do know that I have never had a colon cleanse or have experienced some of what some of what you have in your mouths and other areas. I wonder if I at this time did do some of the products that some of you take now i wonder If my toilot would show the same results. Even to a healthy person with no candida issues I know they will expel aolt of stuff from their systems when doing a colon cleanse or if taking other products, they get different results. So I personally have a hard time believing that what your expelling is not more just an overabundance of what we all have excess of. With me I only had a candida issue that created allergic reaction and fatigue. With the ones that state they have other issues so fighting candida is a painful experience,, I feel for you. With candida its hard to say what came first. The candida or the ailment. Thats why one has to know their ownpast history to determine what your really fighting. If candida stateded the other ailments then i would fight the candida head on. Even if it kept you in bed for a couple months. Because if it is a candida issue for some of you there may be no other way. But if genitics have caused your problems this is when you have to decide to treat the whole picture. And obviously this will take aolt longer. I know my recommendations are not for everyone but for the few that can relate to my life history they may be able to see hope for themselves and move in healthier direction.